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Premier League, merupakan sebuah liga sepak bola profeional yang ada di Benua Eropa tepatnya di negara Inggris. Premier League juga merupakan salah satu terbaik yang ada di Dunia, menyusul setelah itu adalah Liga spanyol - liga Italia - Liga Belanda - Liga Jerman. Mungkin karena liga terbaik di dunia disana banyak sekali paara pemain sepak bola yang mengadu nasib dengan menjadi pemain sepak bola.
Tak heran banyak pemain sepak bola yang masih sangat muda (belia) tapi telah memilki bayaran yang sanggat tinggi nilainya bahkan ada juga yang sampai miliyaran dalam satu bulan. Beberapa pemain sepak bola yang memilki bayaran mahal adalah David Beckham, Cristioan Ronaldo, Zenetine Zidane (Ex Preimer League).
Dan para pemain sepak bola juga banyak yang mendambakan ingin bermain di Premier League, di liga tersebut terkenal dengan sebutan 4 klub besar (The Big Four) yang sering mendominasi peringkat teratas sebut saja Manchester United, Liverpoll, Chelsea, Arsenal. Ke empatnya merupakan klub-klub yang memilki pemain sekaliber intang dan memilki julukan masing-masing.
Seperti MU yang memilki Rooney, Berbatov, dlll (The Red Evill) - Chelsea yang juga mempunyai Didier Drogba, Nikolas Anelka, Lampard, dll (The Blues) - Liverpoll punya Fernando Torres, Steven Gerrad, dll (Di juluki The Red) - Arsenal yang terkenal dengan para bintang muda seperti Cesc Fabregas, Van Persie, Theo Wallcot, Arshavin, dll (The Gunner's).
Buffalo Shooting, the shooting of 51 buffaloes that had escaped from a hunting ranch is creating a Western-style controversy. The bison had gotten onto a neighboring ranch, and that ranch's foreman shot them over a period of two days. The foreman has been charged with criminal mischief. And even though he has admitted he shot the animals, his conviction is far from certain. The QB Ranch is 20,000 acres of windswept West Texas plains, mesas and canyons owned by a Dallas oilman. After a series of harsh storms earlier this year, ranch foreman Edmund Cassillas went to check on his buffaloes. When he found them, there were quite a few missing. Jadi dia, drove the barbed wire fence dan tentu telah cukup dia menemukan sebuah tempat dimana the bison had gone through the wire and wooden posts.
"When it rains it washes out the fence," Cassillas berkata. "kita memanggil mereka air gaps."
So Cassillas called Jackie Doyle Hill, the foreman on the Niblo Ranch where the buffaloes had escaped to. It was a short conversation.
"He told me there was no more buffalo on the place, and he hung up," Cassillas mengatkan.
Cassillas khawatir, berpikir. This was not the first time the QB buffaloes had gotten out. The next day Cassillas talked to Hill again, dan the Niblo foreman said he had taken care of the buffaloes.
Hill freely admits he shot the buffaloes — 51 of them. They'd repeatedly strayed onto his employer's ranch, dan cukup.
The killing attracted a brief flurry of local media coverage. KAMC TV in Lubbock flew a helicopter over the two ranches and shot video of dozens of dead bison, rotting where they'd fallen.
But out in rural Barat Texas, the buffalo shooting slaughter is about more than just the wanton waste of meat. It's a clash of two powerful Western cultures.
Keywrod: Berita Terbaru - Premier League - Buffalo Shooting
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